What Spooks a Truck Driver?


Driving a semi-truck is a big responsibility, literally. The average semi-truck, when rigged, is around 72 feet long. When you take on the role of being a truck driver, you’re also taking on the role of occupying a lot of the road. Don’t get us wrong, being out on the road is fun. You get to see a lot of amazing places and meet a lot of amazing people, but we understand it can be a little nerve-wracking. 

We compiled a list of the most common fears drivers have while out on the road and came up with some solutions to alleviate any stress and anxiety. Always remember, your mental and physical health are the top priorities on and off the road. 

Other Drivers

The people driving alongside you on the road are a concern for any driver, not just truck drivers.  You never know what’s happening in another person’s vehicle, nor can you really anticipate their next move. For truck drivers, the stopping distance is a lot longer than in a typical vehicle. They have to be able to ensure the safety of those in front of and behind them, as well as their own safety. 

When you’re out on the road, always be alert. Make sure you’re not on your phone, eating or doing any other task that can distract you from being able to drive safely. 

For non-truck drivers, give the semis around you a little bit more grace. By leaving enough space for a semi to safely stop or move over, you can prevent serious accidents from occurring. 

Severe Weather Conditions

Rain, snow, ice, fog and strong winds can make driving a semi-truck more challenging and increase the risk of accidents. Reduced visibility and slippery road surfaces are particular concerns for truck drivers. 

We recommend having a weather app on your phone that can assist in predicting what the weather will be like on your entire route. Always check the app before heading out on the road and coordinate the safest route possible with your dispatcher. 

Here are a few of our recommendations, beyond the one that is already installed on your device.


AccuWeather - Free

This app provides weather data for up to 15 days. Alerts can be integrated into the calendar on your phone. You can also add alerts for any cities you’re passing through on your route. 

Highway Weather App - Free

This app provides the same capabilities as AccuWeather, but also the ability to see the predicted weather on a map for every city on your route. You’re also able to view traffic cameras, where available, to see the weather in a particular area for yourself.

Unfamiliar Routes

One of the most exciting parts about being a truck driver is getting to be out on the open road. However, it can also cause some fear when you’re heading to a place you’re not too familiar with. You may not know the best rest stops in an area, the closest refueling stations or exactly where you need to be to drop off your load. Planning your route and talking to your fellow truck drivers can help. 

Get together with a dispatcher on your team and talk through the route with them. They will completely understand any worries you may have, and help you plan the best possible course of action. Additionally, while you’re out on the road, they can help reroute you in case of any delays. 

Talking to another driver who has taken your route before can be of great assistance. They can help you understand the layout of the route, recommend places to stop and provide any tips and tricks they may have for navigating your way there.

Potential Mechanical Issues

On the road, you’re only as good as your vehicle is! It’s normal to be concerned about the condition of your truck, especially with things like brakes or the engine.

Connecting with your maintenance crew can alleviate a lot of the worries surrounding your truck. Always be sure to get your truck in for regular maintenance routines. Add a reminder to your phone and make it a habit to get your truck checked in a timely manner. 

At Storey, our maintenance crew is always on top of their game! We appreciate the time, care and dedication they put towards all of our trucks and equipment. Never be afraid to pop in and pay them a visit. They want you safe out there. 

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If you’re interested in joining us out on the road, apply today!

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